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Why Mr Pan 为何选择我们
Pan Xue Cheng Glass Sdn Bhd is a company that provides all kinds of aluminium architectural work. Our head office is located at Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. We specialize in curtain walling, window, sunscreen, ceiling, cladding, door, partition, renovation, spider system, tempered glass, aluminium frame and door frame. Feel free to browse through our website for more details.
Pan Xue Cheng Glass Sdn Bhd 是一家提供各种铝制建筑作品的公司。我们的总部设在马来西亚雪兰莪州的莎亚南。我们专业于生产幕墙、门窗、防晒窗贴、天花板、覆层、门、隔墙、装修、吊杆、钢化玻璃、铝框、门框。欢迎浏览我们的网站以获取更多信息。
What We Specialize 我们的专业
We Specialize in Curtain Walling, Windows, Sunscreen, Celling, Cladding, Door, Partition, Renovation.